Topics and Focuses

Texts: American Gods and The God Delusion

Topic: The Evolution of Religion and the Different Forms It Takes

Focus 1: This would focus on the difference between The God Delusion´s message of the very idea of God or gods existing being a ridiculous notion and American Gods´ message of thinking, seeing, or experiencing some aspect of our lives being a form of worship towards said aspect, making it a deity. The God Delusion´s message stands firm in the belief that there are no higher powers, but Neil Gaiman has a different idea. The message that American Gods preaches is that we don´t need to be constantly praying or even acknowledge the existence of deities, but by simply living our daily lives and experiencing everyday aspects of it, such as the media or technology, we are unintentionally worshiping them and therefore forming some sort of religious following around them.

Focus 2: Focusing on the evolution of religion throughout human history and how it constantly changes in order to accommodate what we are currently experiencing. American Gods presents this idea of the evolution of religion by introducing two opposing factions of gods: the Old Gods and the New Gods. The Old Gods are gods who have been brought over to North America by immigrants and have been slowly losing their influence and the belief of the people, causing for them to fade and die. On the other hand, the New Gods are what human beings fixate around each and everyday, such as media, technology, and globalism, and are worshiped constantly by people through their use of them. The central idea of American Gods is that religion is constantly evolving and changes with each passing day, based on the trends and focus of people, which directly contradicts the idea proposed by The God Delusion which states the believing doesn´t make something real or holy.
