Topic and focus 1 and 2

Topic: How people impact the environment, specifically through our diets

 "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer, (a look at why we find it acceptable to eat certain animals and not others, the morals behind veganism, and how it benefits the environment). "Cowspiracy"- film on Netflix, (explains how factory farming is decimating the planets natural recources and how this issue is being ingored by major environmental groups).
"Rotten" -film on Netflix (exposing the lies of the food industry and how poorly they are treating both people and animals).

Focus 1: Lack of accurate nutritional knowledge and the common misconceptions people make regarding diet.
Example: How much protein does a human need? The answer is not that much. Yet, people worry. Can you name one protein deficiency? Have you ever met someone who has a protein deficiency? My guess is no. If you get your protein from meat, your suggested daily intake of protein amounts to about one bite of steak. On a separate note, meat is not the best means to get protein, nor is it the most efficient or cost effective. Here is why..

Focus 2: People refuse to change the way they interact with the environment through diet because we are afraid of change, and educating ourselves. There are simple solutions to some environmental problems, but people seem to be too selfish and close minded to make a change in their diets, whether this be due to lack of education on the topic, or unwillingness to give up certain foods.
