Spina - New Topic and Focuses

Nick Spina


Focus: Comparing and Contrasting the positive and negative effects these alternate universes have on the characters - how does their involvement with the worlds affect them? Does it make their relationships stronger? Weaker?


READY PLAYER ONE VS BLACK MIRROR (Play Test and USS Calister Episodes) 

Focus: Comparing how their virtual relationships evolve to affect their real world ones - How does Wade’s consistent contact with Sam progress their relationship when they meet in person? Does that help? One the other hand, how does Robert Daly’s obsession with the show and desire to control his workers affect his real world relationship with Cole? What do Cooper’s striking reactions to the visual illusions reveal about him? How does the game affect him and give him a new perspective on his relationships and ways to deal with them?

I personally think the section option would be a more interesting take, but let me know what you think.
