Janvi (has finally decided on a) Topic/Focus

Topic: Chaos theory, alternate timelines, and lack of free will; using "Slaughterhouse V" (novel) and Mr. Nobody (film)

Focus A: Every single single choice we make in life results in a different set of future events than if we had chosen the other option. Sometimes these differences are minor and other times they are substantial. Where do these separate sets of events go once we have made our choice? Alternate timelines contain each possible universe that stem from each choice we make, and branch off into multitudes. The law of entropy states that the universe errs towards chaos and randomness-- no set of events is better or worse than another, just different-- and gets bigger with each passing moment. Chaos theory and the butterfly effect both express the ability of seemingly minor events to have a major impact on the future, so how does one navigate life knowing that these exist? Mr. Nobody explains these theories in detail, and shows how different Nemo's life could have been if he chose differently at several intersections of his life (which parent to live with, which girl to marry, whether to become a writer or crash his car, choose to become immortal, etc.).

Focus B: The decisions we make aren't really ours, rather, since everything has been predetermined, what we perceive as making choices simply places us on one set path over another. In practicality, we have no way of knowing any of these paths, so no choice we make has any inherent benefit over another. So, the question of how to make decisions gives rise to negative vs. optimistic nihilism. "Slaughterhouse V" enables Billy Pilgrim to swing back and forth throughout his existence, and he essentially decides that human life has no meaning and encourages his optometry patients to show similar disregard for life. In Mr. Nobody, one of the possible iterations of Nemo's character is a man who entrusts all his choices the flip of a coin, which turns into reckless hedonism.
