
I don't have any specific ideas yet, but I am really interested in music and also film, so I think I will probably end up using a film. I am also interested in the environment and how we effect it.


  1. During the summer I work at a marine biology camp and we talk a lot about how we affect the environment so I think that is super cool

  2. You could look into some dystopian books that have themes relating to the environment and mankind's effect on it. Maybe Parable of the Sower again?

  3. Sam's idea is really good! You could maybe relate Parable of the Sower to a film that discusses environmental issues. One that comes to mind is "An Inconvenient Truth."

  4. I love how you're interested in incorporating music and film, but I'm having a hard time coming up with how you might focus those on environmentalism. There's a really weird (but good) movie that came out recently called "First Reformed" starring Ethan Hawke as a minister who falls for this woman and tries to help her husband who is essentially part of an ecoterrorist group. There are interesting statements about faith and environmentalism in it. You might want to check it out.

    If you can think of another topic/theme, I might be able to suggest other films or music that could work. Just remember that you'll need to be able to find secondary criticism on your primary texts.


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